Mrs. Porter’s Newsletter
March 3-7, 2014
Wednesday, March 5th- Ash Wednesday
8:10AM Stations of the Cross
8:30AM All School Mass
Thursday, March 6th Wax Museum speech must be memorized!
Ash Wednesday is Wednesday, March 5th. Father Juan and Mrs. Parsons have asked us all to reflect on what we will be doing during this Lent to become better Christians. I will be talking about this with the class next week.
Did you know that Sunday, March 2nd is Dr. Seuss’s birthday! I encourage you to take some time as a family that day and have a read in. I know that I can always get my kids excited with a big blanket, some food, and if I am reading with them.
Thank you for signing your child up at! This site is full of some informative short videos that coincide with things that we are working on at school. I do ask that you put your child’s User Name and Password in his/her planner because I will have them work on the assignments here at school during Math Workshop as well.
Did your child tell you about our Treasure Hunt yesterday? We learned many new things about our church. Have your child show you some things that we learned about next time you go to church together.
The Wax Museum is coming soon. I am in the process of listening to each speech and timing them. I will put the time on the speech so you can see how close it is to two minutes. If it is way too short, please help your child come up with a few extra sentences to add to the speech. Also, if the speech is over two minutes, please think about what can be deleted from the speech. Remember, your child needs to memorize it and will be reciting it many times that day. The Wax Museum will take place in the gym on Thursday, March 13th from 1:00-2:00. All are welcome!
It sounds like winter is not over….ugh. Let’s hope that we’re not supposed to get the big snow that they’re talking about on the news. I’m over it.:)
I sent home rice bowls with the Oldest Children a few weeks ago. Please consider contributing some change during Lent.
Please encourage your child to work on First in Math
Check out each week for new videos that have been added to watch.
Saturday, March 15th, is our First Communion Retreat. All students who are receiving Communion this year are expected to attend with one parent. It lasts from 9:00-12:00. Please see the handout that came home today.
Reading-Close Reading/Daily 5
Spelling-Unit 20
Religion- Chapter 4 in Communion books-We Listen(Liturgy of the Word)
Math- Continue Skip counting/tables/ and patterns
Social Studies-Maps and directions