Mrs. Porter’s Second Grade Newsletter
Aug. 18-22, 2014
Calendar of Events
Wednesday, Aug. 20-Mass at 8:30AM
What an awesome week! It has been a joy getting to know the new second graders. We have had fun getting to know each other, reviewing school and class procedures, and playing on the new playground. Next week, it’s time to get down to business!:) It’s going to be a great year!
Discover Books
Yesterday, your child came home with a Discovery book packet. Please look through this packet to see what it's all about. The booklet is filled with some great deals and many people love to have them. This is the note from the PTO about this fundraiser:
The sale runs August 14 through August 27th. All money and orders due then to school office.
If the child does not participate the book should be returned to the teacher in the envelope with your child's name so we know it was returned unsold. ( this is not a free book) Teachers will send books and completed orders to the school office. This is important so we do not lose orders or books. Money will be used for more playground spruce up and additional swing equipment.
You may have noticed the GO binders coming home with your child with some practice homework pages. There are four pockets in the binder. The first one is the Complete and Return-this is where all homework will be. I do encourage parents to look over homework and help when necessary. Homework pages will be practice for the most part. The next one is the Keep at Home-all papers here need to stay at home. The third one is Send to Office-if you have something that needs to go to the office, please put it in this section. Finally, the last one is the Keep in Binder section. Please do not take papers out of this pocket. I will let the students know when papers can be moved from this area. I am also asking that the lunch menu stays in the binder. That way students can have it here at school and at home. I am still waiting to get my planners. As soon as I have a class set, we will begin filling these out Monday-Thursday. Homework assignments and important information will be found in the planners.
There are two forms that I have in my classroom. One is a behavior form, and one is a responsibility form. If your child makes the wrong choice(after a few reminders) and doesn't do the right thing during school, he/she will receive a behavior notice. I ask you to go over this notice with your child and help him/her write the reflection piece at the bottom telling how the next day will be better. Students will receive a Responsibility notice if they forget their planner, homework, or don't get the planner signed. It is just a reminder to remember the next day. On the positive side, we will be starting our complement board in the classroom and I continue to recognize outstanding behavior by handing out Praise tickets every once in a while. We have a class goal set as well.
Reminder of Special days!
Just a reminder that our class has gym class on Tuesday and Friday. Students should be dressed in Holy Spirit gym wear on these days. We have mass on Wednesday so that's when the girls need to wear jumpers. Library books will also be due on Tuesday. Thank you so much for helping me make the beginning of second grade so successful. Every Friday is also Spirit Day so your child may wear a school spirit wear top on that day.
Week at a Glance
Reading-Review Daily 5-Check for Understanding; Making predictions; Question Cue cards
Spelling-Unit 1-Word Preview Monday, Homework Thursday, Assessment Friday
Math-Begin Unit 1-Counting, Coins, and Combinations Math fact focus-+1
Science-Begin Science notebooks/unit on Life Cycles
Religion-Chapter One-Our Church Welcomes Us
Have a wonderful weekend!!