Mrs. Porter's Second Grade Newsletter
Week of October 1-5
Calendar of Events
Monday, Oct. 1st-Energy Bus Assembly 9:10AM
Wednesday, Oct. 3rd- Mass 8:30AM
Friday, Oct. 5th-Turn in your trash bag sales-Last Day!
October is here! It is time for end of the quarter report cards, conferences, and benchmark testing. This past week, we started the benchmark testing on the net books in our classroom. You will be receiving these results soon and I will be discussing them with you at conferences. If you have a child who is struggling in a certain area, these tests will give us the information we need to better teach your child.
Hopefully, your child has been able to play on the "" website. I look for the player of the day each morning who gets to wear a special VIP badge for the day. Students can play on the skill sets or go to the K-2 tab. The more stickers he/she can earn the better. If you don't have a working computer at home, I will be getting students on the site here at school as well. I do ask that kids try the website during homework time whenever possible.
Don't forget to have your child read out loud every night. I know that many students in the second grade can read on their own, but it is still very important to practice oral reading as well. They also need to be able to answer questions about what they are reading. After every few pages, ask your child to tell you about what he/she has read so far. Can they re-tell the story in their own words?
Please keep sending in those box tops-especially on Thursday mornings! Thanks for your support so far. Our class continues to be in contention.
Here’s the scoop for next week:
Religion: Ch. 4: We are sorry
Math: Story problems- strategies, using pictures, labeling
Spelling: Please review “Words to Learn” words every night!
Science: Plant/Human/Animal life cycles continued