Mrs. Porter’s
Second Grade News
Week of Sept. 17-21
Calendar of Events
Tuesday, Sept. 18-Happy birthday
Wednesday, Sept. 19-Mass at 8:30AM;
Citizenship Day
Friday, Sept. 21-Progress reports
My blog is up and running-yeah! If you want to have an e-mail notice whenever
I update my blog, just put your e-mail address in the white box at the top of
the page and press submit. I will always
have a new blog posted every Friday. I
will also periodically include things during the week.
We have officially begun our preparation
for the sacrament of Reconciliation!
Look for some activities to come home that have to do with this
sacrament. Please make sure that you
have paid $15 for the Reconciliation booklet to Gladys in the Religious
Education office if you haven’t already done so.
On Wednesday of this week, we will be
discussing Citizenship Day in our classroom.
We will talk about how to be a good citizen and brainstorm ways that we
can show good citizenship in our country, community, and school. This will go nicely with our efforts to pass
the light of Christ on to others.
Second graders will only be doing the
“First in Math” computer program this year.
I will be introducing the program to the students in the next couple of
weeks. This is a fun website that
promotes learning math through games and competition. The Aleks program will not be used by second
graders this year.
I am really hoping to start listening
and assessing each student’s reading abilities this week. I will be letting you know if I have a great
concern about the reading level of your child.
This will also help students pick books at the appropriate level in the
library and the classroom. I will then
base my results on forming my reading groups in the classroom. The students keep improving their stamina
during read to self, writing, and read to someone. What a fun way to become better readers!
Part of the reading program emphasizes
picking good fit books. This is a way to
help your child pick out books:
I- I choose the book
P-What is the purpose for reading
I-Does it interest me?
C-Can I comprehend(understand)
what the book is about?
K-Do I know most of the words?
It looks like we will be using a “paper”
progress report this quarter, while we hope to have the “My Student’s Progress”
online grading system up and running next quarter. This first quarter in second grade is
basically review and learning procedures, so I have not had a great chance to
record many grades. Your child’s grade
will mainly be based on observations in the classroom.
Don’t forget to send in those box
tops!! Our class is battling for the
Here’s the scoop for next week:
Chapter 2 in Reconciliation book
Make 10
Word Preview/Rainbow words on Monday; Review test on Friday
Work on science notebooks; life cycles of trees and humans
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