Mrs. Porter's Second Grade News
Week of Sept. 2-6, 2013
Calendar of Events
Monday, Sept. 2-No School
Wednesday, Sept. 4-8:30AM Mass
This week, we will be reviewing the +1 and +2 math facts. Some of the kids have really been doing well! It does take a lot of hard work and practice to really know your facts. I will continue to send home a practice sheet on Monday that can stay at home. Feel free to make copies of this page. Some parents in the past have cut it up into 10 or 20 at a time to study. You can make flashcards or go online and practice. I encourage you to set the timer on your microwave or phone for 5 minutes and see how many your child can complete. Then, have them do the rest for extra practice.
On Thursday, we had our very first spelling test. I look forward to seeing how the students did. When you get the test, you will see three different grades on the back of the page. One grade is for spelling the words correctly that students are expected to know, another grade is for punctuation skills(capital letters, periods, etc.), and the final grade is a handwriting grade. Each student will then begin a “Words to Learn” list based on words missed on the test. The Words to Learn list must stay in the Keep In Binder tab of the GO book. I did have quite a few students who did not have their spelling words in their binder. These words are also to stay in the Keep in Binder section throughout the week to be used at home and at school.
If your child receives a responsibility or behavior notice, please look this over and sign it. I will keep track of any patterns that I see and be in contact with you if necessary. I ask that you discuss the notices with your child, but please know that sometimes the loss of a color is punishment enough. I want the system to be a learning tool and not one for students to be in fear of. We are all learning to be better people and make good choices every day!
We are finishing up the Benchmark assessments and I will soon start pulling individual students to check for Sight Word and Oral Reading skills. The second and third grades mix reading groups together based on student skill level and we look forward to getting this started. The students will be keeping track of what they are reading during Daily 5 time here at school. I will also be sending a reading log home next Monday so I can see what students are reading at home. This reading log should be kept in the Keep in Binder portion.
Make sure to send in any Box Tops that you may have at home. The contest between classes has officially begun! The Entertainment book fundraiser also came home last week and continues until Thursday, Sept. 5th. Please sell as many as you can so our school can get a new playground and our class can get a pizza party! The goal is for each family to sell 2 books.
During community circle this week, we talked about people that we have witnessed acting like Jesus. Many of the students mentioned their moms and dads so keep setting that positive example! I think that fostering a class of students who care about each other tends to ward off any of that bullying behavior that happens. On September 17th, the students from Holy Spirit will be heading over to Scecina High School to watch a speaker called Mr. MoJo. He will motivate students about how to deal with any bullying behaviors that they witness or are part of.
I am happy to celebrate birthdays here at school. But remember, I don’t have any silverware or napkins in the classroom. So, if the treat is something that needs these items, I would appreciate it if you send them in. Also, if your child wants to invite students from school for a party, I ask that he/she brings invitations for all of the students or all of the boys or girls. I just don’t want to have to deal with any hurt feelings that tend to happen when kids start talking about who is/isn’t invited to birthday parties. Thanks so much!
Here’s the scoop for next week:
Reading: Review long/short vowel sounds/Begin WRAP assessments
Spelling: Unit 2- Word preview Tuesday/Spelling test on Friday
Religion: Reconcilation book Chapter 1-Baptism-please send a picture of your child’s baptism to school by Wednesday, Sept. 4th
Math: Unit 1-Counting, Coins, and Combinations /+1 and +2 math facts review
Science: Human Life Cycle
Social Studies: Our country’s signs and symbols
God bless you all!
Mrs. Tasha Porter