Mrs. Porter's Second Grade News
Week of August 26-30
Calendar of Events
Wednesday, Aug. 28-Mass at 8:30
Friday, Aug. 30-No School
Monday, Sept. 2-No School
It was a great first full week of school! The kids are getting used to my expectations and we’re having fun getting to know each other.
I do use the color system in my classroom and hopefully you noticed where you can find your child’s end of the day color. It is a flexible system where students move colors up and down throughout the day based on behavior. In my classroom, a yellow is a reminder and then the orange is time to reflect. You will receive a written notice if your child ends on an orange or red for the day. I also try and call the parents if a consistent pattern of misbehavior develops. I do always remind students that as long as procedures are followed and they do the right thing, he/she will have no trouble in my class. But, everybody has bad days where we can learn to do better. Responsibility notices are different and will be coming home as well. Please look these over and sign them so I know that they were seen.
We had our first Math facts test today. Next week, our focus will be on +2 facts. I will send home a practice page on Monday that your child can keep at home to practice on. I do believe that knowing math facts is an important skill that takes work! It is also part of the Math Common Core Standards initiative.
This week, we watched a very powerful video on what a bully is, and what the steps are to deal with any bullying behavior that you see. We had a good discussion at Community Circle about what we can do if we are bullied or witness this behavior. Ask your child if he/she knows the steps and how to report it.
We are continuing to work on the Benchmark assessments and I will soon start pulling individual students to check for Sight Word and Oral Reading skills. The second and third grades mix reading groups together based on student skill level and we look forward to getting this started. The students will be keeping track of what they are reading during Daily 5 time here at school. I will also be sending a reading log home on Monday to I can see what students are reading at home. This reading log should be kept in the Keep in Binder portion. All students who are receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation this year should be gotten a book by now. They are kept at school except for when a homework assignment is assigned. Gladys would like $15 from each family to offset the cost of the book. Please send money to her if you are able.
Next week, we begin spelling! Typically, the word preview will come home on Monday. These are words that students need to study during the week. I send home spelling homework on Thursday and the test will be Friday. This short week, the homework will come home on Wednesday and the test will be Thursday since we don’t have school on Friday.
Make sure to send in any Box Tops that you may have at home. The contest between classes has officially begun!
Finally, students are allowed to bring a snack to school if he/she would like to. I always end the day reading to the students and I don’t mind if they have a snack while I am reading.
Here’s the scoop for next week:
Reading: Daily 5 introduction to Writing/Word Work-We will read a book as a class called The School Lunch Room.
Spelling: Unit 1- Word preview Monday/Spelling test on Thursday
Religion: Reconcilation book Chapter 1
Math: Unit 1-Counting, Coins, and Combinations /+2 math facts
Science: Human Life Cycle
God bless you all!
Mrs. Porter
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