Mrs. Porter’s Second Grade News
Week of November 11-15, 2013
Calendar of Events
Monday-November 11th-Thank a Veteran on Veteran’s Day!
Wednesday, November 13th-8:30AM Mass
Reconciliation is tomorrow. Families with names ending A-L need to come at 10:00AM and those ending with M-Z need to come at 11:00. I am proud of how hard the students have worked on the steps. Many students were able to recite the Act of Contrition by memory. Please make sure to celebrate the sacrament when you are finished because it is a special time.
Your child should have a Book Bingo page to be kept in the “Keep in Binder” section of the GO binder. This is the at home reading assignment until Thanksgiving. A parent or guardian is in charge of writing the information of the book on the back of the page. A bingo is made when you have made a bingo(5 in a row) on the game board. If you don’t have these books in your home, please visit your local library. These books can also be found here at school. Encourage your child to find them! Maybe he/she will even find a new series to enjoy!
I have let the students know that I will be checking First in Math once a week to see if they have been on. If they haven’t, they will get on that day at recess for at least one game. I expect students to have the addition facts complete and they need to be moving on to subtraction in the Practice gyms. Subtraction is also found in Skill Set 2.
Our next class mass will take place on Wednesday, November 20th. If your child did not have a part in our first mass, they will have a part in this one. This is an all school mass. You are all welcome to attend!
Are you checking This is where you will find the latest updates on your child’s grades. I try to input grades at least once a week.
Next week, I will be teaching the proper way to write an address. Please work with your child on your home address. If it’s not already in the front of your child’s binder, please put it there. It should be set up in this way:
First and Last Name
House number and Street
City, State
Zip Code
Here’s the scoop for next week:
Religion-Chapter 2- We Belong to God’s Family
Reading-Continue non-fiction/author’s purpose
Writing-Persuasive writing assignment
Math-Begin Unit 3-Base Ten and multiple addends/Close to 20
Social Studies-Addresses/ North American American Indians
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