Mrs. Porter’s Second Grade Newsletter
April 14-18, 2014
Wednesday, April 16th-8:30AM All School Mass
Thursday, April 17th-2:00 Holy Thursday program in the church
7:00PM First Communicants to attend Holy Thursday service
Friday, April 18th-Good Friday-Living Stations at 11:00; Dismissal at 12:00
The students have been practicing hard for our Holy Thursday “performance.” We are singing some new songs this year and the kids have done a great job learning them. It’s a nice way for us to learn about Jesus’ Last Supper and why the Eucharist is so important. Please join us on Thursday at 2:00 in the church for this special event.
First Communion is coming soon! We have been hard at work preparing for this special time. Take time after mass one day to talk about all of the things that you see in our church. Our special school mass will take place on Wednesday, May 12th. The students will come to school dressed in their Communion outfits and we will take a group picture after mass.
Next week, we will be doing an “Easter Scavenger Hunt” using bibles. If you have a bible at home that your child can use, please send this in by Tuesday. Thank you.
Holy’s Spirit’s special person day is going to take place on Thursday, April 24th. Students in grades K-3 are asked to invite just one special person to visit our school from 9:00-10:30 that morning. Angie Burck is still looking for volunteers to help with that morning. Please contact her or the school office if you can help. The book fair will also be happening that week.
We are enjoying this spring weather! I will be trying to get the students outside whenever possible during these beautiful days.
Reading-Close Read/Disability week and activities
Spelling-No Spelling List this week
Religion- Holy Week activities
Math-Complete Unit 6/Begin Unit 7 on Fractions
Science-Balance using arches, triangles, and mobiles
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