Mrs. Porter’s Second Grade Newsletter
Sept. 8-12, 2014
Calendar of Events
Wed., Sept. 10-8:30AM All School Mass
Fri., Sept. 12-8:30 Porter Class Mass/Kickoff for trash bag sales
Well, the beginning of school is upon us and inevitably another little friend arrives with it. The Primary building has had some cases of lice in the last few weeks. So, I ask that you continue to check your child’s hair for any nits or lice bugs. You can tell that nits are different than dandruff because it won’t move easily from the hair follicle. Our family has been through the lice fun-so I understand what a pain it can be. Please remind your child to never share any “head” items with friends. This means brushes, combs, hats, helmets, hair bands, etc. Also, they shouldn’t be sharing a pillow with other people either. Lice will jump from hair to hair while in close contact. Lice like clean hair, so I don’t wash my hair every single day. It also helps the girls if they keep their hair up in a ponytail or braids. Just some suggestions. Thank you for helping us watch out for this problem.
We have had several instances in our restrooms already this year. I have been reviewing restroom procedures with the class here at school. But, if you could help remind your child that he/she is to go to the restroom and Be Quick, Be Clean, and Be Quiet-I would appreciate it! I am also trying to get them to understand the importance of wiping well, flushing the toilet, and using the right amount of water, soap, and paper towels. Thanks for discussing this with your child!
The K-2 report cards on MSP are having some glitches. Please know that I am not to input any grades into MSP yet until the problems have been resolved. Since we are a Standards based report card-it is very different then the 3-8 version. I will be sending home your child’s reading assessment soon so you know what level he/she is reading at right now.
This and That
Thank you-thank you for signing your child’s planner every night! I know most teachers don’t require this, but I want to make sure that the students are communicating information at school with an adult at home. The kids are doing really well with this procedure.
The Box Top competition has begun. Please send in Box Tops with your child. I have an envelope in the classroom. If you collect 50 Box Tops, put your name on the bag and you will be entered into a drawing for a TV! This one will end on Oct. 31st.
The benchmark testing has been put on hold. Apparently the application for the company is not working properly. I will be assessing students on their reading/comprehension skills within the next few weeks. I will be in touch with the results! We will be changing our computer math program in the next few weeks. It will no longer be First in Math-and I’m very excited about the new possibilities!!
Our first class mass is next Friday, Sept. 12th at 8:30AM. All are welcome to join us for this mass. I will be handing out mass parts on Monday.
Week at a Glance
Reading-Review Daily 5-Whole group reading/begin WRAP reading assessments/
Fiction/Non-fiction text features
Spelling-Unit 3
Math- Making 10/ Math fact focus-+3
Science-Science notebooks/unit on Life Cycles-Humans, Trees, and Animals
Social Studies-Welcome to Second Grade!
Religion-Chapter Two-Our Church Welcomes Us
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