Mrs. Porter's Second Grade News
Week of Oct. 8-12
Calendar of Events
Wednesday, Oct. 10-Rosary at 8:10AM, Mass at 8:30AM
Friday, Oct. 12-End of first grading period/
Harvest Hoedown from 5:00-8:00
Last Wednesday, we had an All School Assembly where Mrs. Parsons read a book to us. The book was called The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon. It was a wonderful story that told us all how to make each day better. These are the top five rules that we learned from the book. Please talk to your child about how he/she can start each day riding on the "energy bus!"
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
1. Create a Positive Vision
2. Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy
3. No Bullies Allowed
4. Love Your Passengers
5. Enjoy the Ride
Mrs. Simms has asked us to remind each of you to make sure that you are getting your child's costume ready for the Fall program. Also, have your child review his/her line every night. If you have questions, please ask Mrs. Simms. The program will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 16th at 1:30 and 7:00PM.
Parent/Teacher conferences are coming soon. I'm excited to meet with each one of you and go over some important information about how we can help your child learn the very best way. If any of you would like to meet with me after school on Monday, Oct. 15th, please e-mail me and we can set something up then. I just know that it will be a tight fit on Oct. 17th! Look for an e-mail coming soon about how to set up for a conference time online.
Our class is in fifth place in First in Math and first place in Box Tops for Education. Thank you so much for your support in both of these worthwhile programs! Continue to encourage your child to log on to First in Math every night and try all of the games in the K-2 category for sure. Second grade is not participating in the Aleks math program this year, even though we were included in the math message.
I sent home an October book order last Wednesday. Book orders are due on Tuesday, Oct. 9th. Please send a check for your order. It makes ordering much easier for me that way. If you would like to order books online, just visit and go to Book Orders. Our class code is GV3KZ. The more books that are ordered from students, the more books that I'm able to order for our classroom library.
I am in the process of trying to expand the non-fiction portion of our library. If you have any old issues of the Ranger Rick, National Geographic Kids, or other children's magazines that you want to get rid of, please send them our way. I will add them to the library to be used by the students during Read to Self/Someone time.
As always, thank you so much for continuing to check your child's planner every night. This is where much of our communication will be placed. I appreciate those students who remember to ask you to sign the planner for them! If your child comes home with incomplete work, please make sure that he/she completes the page and brings it back to school. Thanks!
Here’s the scoop for next week:
Religion: Chapter 5- We are Forgiven
Math: Learning doubles
Spelling: Review Words to Learn, and the words on the lined paper
Science: Life Cycles
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