Mrs. Porter’s Second Grade News
Week of Oct. 15-19, 2012
Calendar of Events
Friday, Oct. 12-Harvest Hoedown 5-8
Tuesday, Oct. 16th-Fall Program-1:30PM, 7:00PM
Wednesday, Oct. 17th-Dismissal at noon/Conferences 1-8:30
Thursday-Monday, Oct. 18-22-Fall Break!
The Fall program practices have gone really well. The kids sound great and I know that you will enjoy the show. If you haven’t already sent in your child’s costume, please make sure that it is at school by Monday. On Tuesday evening, the students are asked to come to Room 2 in the 4-5 hallway at 6:30.
No more shorts after fall break! On cold days, girls may wear navy blue leggings under their jumpers. Boys need to wear uniform pants preferably with a belt and their shirt tucked in. We will be going outside for recess as much as possible, so please make sure you send a jacket with your child on those chilly days. Wednesdays are always jumper days for the girls, and spirit days are on Friday.
Thank you for signing up for parent/teacher conferences! I have 100% participation-yeah! I look forward to talking to you all about your child. I will be giving you your child’s benchmark and reading assessment results at the conference.
You should have received an envelope from the Religious Education Office this week. Please make sure that you have looked in the envelope. There is a very special project that you are asked to do in preparation of the Reconciliation retreat day on November 3rd.
Here’s the scoop for next week:
Religion: We Go Forth
Math: Math fact stations
Spelling: Review words in green folder-no test this week
Science: Transfer plants
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