News from Mrs.
Porter’s Class
Jan. 28-Feb. 1,
Calendar of Events
Wednesday, January 30th-All
School Mass-8:30AM
Talent Show in the
gym-6:00PM-Bring canned food for admission
It’s Catholic School’s Week!! We will be celebrating Catholic School’s with
a theme each day.
News and Notes
Monday- Bully prevention day-Wear a purple shirt
with uniform
Tuesday- Service day-Wear a green shirt with gym
****One of the homework
assignments that night will be to
complete an act of “service” at home: Clean your room, help
with the dishes, read to your baby brother/sister, call you
grandparents, etc. I
will want the kids to write down their
service for the evening.
Day-Wear a yellow shirt with uniform pants/jumpers
Thursday- Pink with a purpose day-Wear an appropriate
pink top/ribbon
uniform pants. This can be any cause
close to your heart.
with cancer, in memory of someone who has died, etc.)
Friday- Green and Gold Day! Wear your spirit wear. Staff vs. Eighth
volleyball game at 1:00PM
I appreciate all students who turned in
a coloring page for the coloring contest.
I had some wonderful ideas and pictures in here!
Don’t forget to remind your child to
take his/her Mass journal to church over the weekend. All students need to bring this back on
Monday. If you can’t make it to mass,
please have your child jot a note on page 4 that your couldn’t make it.
For the second week in a row our class
is leading First in Math in the whole school.
Way to go! Please continue to
work on Just the Facts addition and Skip Math.
Over the weekend, I will be checking each student’s progress in every
area and assigning new goals for students who have passed each challenge that I
have set.
Week at a Glance
Chapter 1-Sacraments of Initiation
groups/Daily 5/Amelia Bedilia/Biographies
18 words: another, came, come, work,
three, friend, house, school, wanted, left
3 test on Tuesday, Begin Unit on Data
and Weather
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