Mrs. Porter’s Newsletter
Feb. 4-8, 2013
Calendar of Events
Wednesday, Feb.6th-All School Mass-8:30AM
Friday, Feb. 8th-February Book Order due
Last night, I assigned a family religion
page for homework. I then forgot to
remind the students to put their religion books in their backpacks. So, they will be coming home with the books
for the weekend. Please try and take a
few moments to talk about page 11 with your child. We are beginning our preparation for First
Communion. Your child is also bringing
home his/her mass journal. Once again, I
ask that he/she take this to mass over the weekend and jot some notes in
Bring it back to school on Monday
morning. We are on week 5 in the
journal. If your family is unable to
make it to mass, please jot that down in the journal.
Please make sure that you keep your
child’s First in Math paper in a safe place.
I would like these to be returned to school at the end of the month with
a parent signature.
Valentine’s Day is coming soon! Since Ash Wednesday falls on Feb. 13th
this year, the school will be celebrating with Valentine’s parties on Fat
Tuesday-Feb. 12th. Please
have your child sign and bring 23 valentines for the class. It’s easiest if they are not personalized to
each student. We will be making
Valentine’s bags in class to put our Valentines in. Thanks so much! The party will start at 12:00 that day since
our class has specials at 12:55.
Our classroom is down to our last box of
tissues. This season has been
tough! If you can donate some boxes to
our classroom, we would sure appreciate it!
I have received one package of local
college items for the Reverse Raffle basket.
Please refer to Mrs. Moyar’s e-mail about items to donate for our
basket. Thank you so much!
Week at a Glance:
Reading- Biographies; small group work
Religion- Chapter
2-We Gather
4-Organizing and collecting data
Air and Weather
19-ar words; ly suffix, contractions
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