Mrs. Porter’s Second Grade News
Week of Sept. 16-20, 2013
Calendar of Events
Tuesday, Sept. 17-Field trip to see Mr. Mojo at Scecina-9:00-11:00
Wednesday, Sept. 18-Mass at 8:30AM
My blog is up and running-yeah! If you want to have an e-mail notice whenever I update my blog, just put your e-mail address in the white box at the top of the page and press submit. The website I do believe that there is a way to translate the blog to Spanish for those that are interested.
During Community Circle time this week, we talked about the difference between being a bully and doing an unkind act. We also shared some examples of friends who we have seen acting like Jesus. It’s always a good conversation starter to ask your child how he/she acted like Jesus today. I am looking forward to watching Mr. Mojo at our field trip on Tuesday to see his presentation on bully prevention.
We are still finding out when or if we will be participating in the First in Math computer program this year. I will let you know as soon as I find out. Next week’s fact of the week is +4 facts! Please start practicing at home.
We are asking everyone to check your child’s progress so far this year on the MSP website by Friday, Sept. 20th. Please note that not many grades have been taken so far in second grade, but I do encourage you to check out the new report card format. If you have forgotten your child’s login(like I have), please contact the office. Second grade will continue to show percentages this year.
I have been able to meet with and listen to some of the students read this week. I will be letting you know if I have a great concern about the reading level of your child. I will then base my results on forming my reading groups in the classroom. The students keep improving their stamina during read to self, writing, word work, listening, and read to someone. What a fun way to become better readers!
Part of the reading program emphasizes picking good fit books. This is a way to help your child pick out books:
I- I choose the book
P-What is the purpose for reading it?
I-Does it interest me?
C-Can I comprehend(understand) what the book is about?
K-Do I know most of the words?
Based on the Lexile reading score from the Benchmark testing that we recently completed, I will give your child’s reading level to him/her. I will also be highlighting the Lexile reading score on your child’s results. These results will be coming home next Friday. Please look these scores over and we will discuss them in detail at our parent/teacher conference in October. If your child is scoring at the “Below Average” range, this has been noted and we will be working extra hard to help them raise those scores next time.
Don’t forget to send in those box tops!! Reading logs are due on Monday.
Here’s the scoop for next week:
Reading: WRAPS individual reading tests-Character study. Listen to reading, using prior knowledge in your reading. Read to Self, Read to Someone. Building stamina!
Religion: Chapter 2 in Reconciliation book
Math: Make 10/+4 facts
Spelling: Word Preview Monday; Test on Friday
Science: Work on science notebooks; life cycles of trees/humans/butterflies
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