Mrs. Porter's Second Grade Newsletter
Week of October Sept. 30-Oct. 4, 2013
Calendar of Events
Monday, Sept. 30-Prayer service in the chapel at 7:30AM for parents
Tuesday, Oct. 1st-Mandatory parent anti-bullying meeting in the church at 6:00PM
Wednesday, Oct. 2nd- Mass 8:30AM
Friday, Oct. 4th-Turn in your trash bag sales-Last Day!
Hopefully, your child has been able to play on the '' website. I look for the player of the day each morning who gets to wear a special VIP badge for the day. The first goal for each student is to complete Skill Set 1 and First in Tens. The practice gyms are always good for practicing the math facts too. The more stickers he/she can earn the better. If you don't have a working computer at home, I will be getting students on the site here at school as well. I do ask that kids try the website during homework time whenever possible.
You will be seeing some more math story problem worksheets come home this week. I know that first grade taught the students that they were to use the “draw the picture” strategy for solving word problems. In second grade, we start exploring other strategies for how to solve math problems. Some of the ideas we have had so far are using a number line, counting on with a picture, and using the tens and ones. In every problem, I will be looking for the equation, answer, label, and a picture or explanation showing how the answer was found. The Unit assessment is this week so please go over the homework pages carefully with your child and make sure that all parts are shown. Thank you for your help!
Please keep sending in those box tops-especially on Monday mornings! Thanks for your support so far. We are still working toward a pizza party!
Here’s the scoop for next week:
Reading: Daily 5/ Compare/Contrast-begin making individual goals for the year
Religion: Ch. 3: We Reflect-Ten Commandments
Math: Story problems- strategies, using pictures, labeling
Spelling: Please review “Words to Learn” words every night as well as the focus words for the week! Don’t forget to go on at least once.
Science: Plant/Human/Animal life cycles continued
Social Studies: Good citizens
Have a wonderful weekend!
Social Studies: Good citizens
Have a wonderful weekend!
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