Mrs. Porter's Second Grade News
Week of Oct. 7-11, 2013
Calendar of Events
Wednesday, Oct. 9-Mass at 8:30AM-
Thursday, Oct. 10-Flu Shots from 7:00-8:00AM
Gold Reward day for students who have passing grades and no missing assignments
Friday, Oct. 11-End of first grading period/
Harvest Hoedown from 5:00-8:00PM
Saturday, Oct. 12-Parent/Coach bullying meeting from 10:00-12:00AM. Please attend if you were unable to attend the first meeting.
Please send in your trash bag sales first thing Monday morning if you haven’t already done so!
On Wednesday, I sent home the Energy posters. If your child is interested, he/she may design a poster and you can enter it at the address provided. This is completely optional.
Wow! What a turnout for the parent bullying session on Tuesday evening! The students were rewarded with a dress down day and extra recess if they had a parent or guardian present. There will be another opportunity to get information on the program and your child can still earn the reward! It will take place on Saturday, Oct. 12th from 10:00-12:00 in the school gym. Please come if you can!
You have the opportunity to have your child receive the flu vaccine here at school on Thursday Oct. 10th. They will be administering the vaccine in the parish center from 7:00-8:00AM that morning. You do not have to be present, but you do have to send in the completed consent form and $25 with your child. Please copy the consent form from the school e-mail, or let me know and I will send you one.
Parent/Teacher conferences are coming soon. I'm excited to meet with each one of you and go over some important information about how we can help your child learn the very best way. Please sign up at Go to Look for sign up and type in If you need to meet with me on another day, please send me an e-mail and I will work with you. I would like to make sure to meet with all parents!
Our class is in fifth place in First in Math and we’re still working toward the pizza party with the Box Tops. Send the Box Tops on Monday mornings. Thank you so much for your support in both of these worthwhile programs! Continue to encourage your child to log on to First in Math every night and focus on Skill Set 1, First in Tens, and the practice gyms for now.
Your child will be bringing home a biography book on Monday. This will be the reading assignment for the night. I will also send a worksheet with the book to be completed by Wednesday. Students in the past have really enjoyed learning about biographies so take some time to talk about why biographies are written and maybe even do some research online about the person that your child is assigned!
I will be sending home the October book order on Monday morning and this will be due on Friday. If you would like to order online, our class code is GV3KZ.
Here’s the scoop for next week:
Reading: Complete goal conferencing, go to all five Daily 5 stations, biographies
Religion: Chapter 4- We are Sorry
Math: Begin Unit 2-Geometric shapes and blocks
Spelling: Review Words to Learn, and the words on the lined paper
Science: Plant life cycles
Social Studies: History and Time
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