Mrs. Porter's Second
Grade Newsletter
Week of October 21-25, 2013
Calendar of Events
Monday, October 21st-Parent prayer service at 7:30AM
Wednesday, October 23rd-All School Rosary 8:10AM/Mass at 8:30AM
Friday, October 25th-Reconciliation note due to Religion Education office
It was a pleasure visiting with all of you at conferences last week. Please know that I am aware of your child's strengths and weaknesses and will use my knowledge to assist him/her in those areas. Make sure that you are checking for updates of your child's grades on
The First Reconciliation celebrations are coming soon! Our retreat to prepare for this special sacrament will take place on Saturday, November 2nd at 10:00AM, and the actual sacrament will be on Saturday, November 9th. We will continue to prepare at school as well by practicing what we say and examining our conscience. Continue to pray the Act of Contrition every night!
This is the final week for Box Tops!! The final tally day will be on Friday, October 25th. So, if you are holding on to any at home, please send them in.
Thank you for your support of the First in Math program. All of the students in my class are working hard at earning stickers. The games that students should be focusing on are Skill Set 1, First in Tens, Just the Facts(Whole Number-addition), and 3 to 9. Students who have completed First in Tens are: Zoe, Daniel, Karmen, and Connor. Allan, Owen, and Connor have completed Skill Set 1! Way to Go!!
The week of Halloween, we will be doing some different activities with a pumpkin. I am asking that each child bring a pumpkin that he/she can carry by Monday, Oct. 28th. I will also need lots of parent volunteers on Friday, Nov. 1st from 1:40-end of the day to carve pumpkins. Let me know if you can help out!
Next week is Spirit Week! Your child may dress in uniform or Spirit Wear:
Spirit Week Sponsored by Student Council.
Dates Oct. 21st - Oct. 25th
Dress Out Days
Monday - Career Day*
Tuesday - Mix Match & Neon Day
Wednesday - Interview Day*
Thursday - Green & Gold Day - Pep Rally - Please be seated by 1:40
Friday - College & NFL Sports Day
*Please take some time to go over what career dress and interview attire looks like.
No assigned seats or grade level assignments for lunch this week! They can sit wherever and with whomever they wish! Parents, please feel free to come and join us for lunch!
Candy Grams
Also know as “warm fuzzies.” You can buy them for 50 cents each. Please write who it is to and that person’s homeroom teacher’s name. Student council will put a piece of candy with it and make sure it gets delivered. You may write to any student or staff in the school. They are for sale at the front office or from Mrs. Amy You may give all candy grams to Miss. Pusti, Mrs. Amy Moran or turn them in to the school office.
Halloween party information will be coming soon. If you are the room parent, please let me know when you would like the party to take place. I can not remember who that is! I will be giving more information about costumes, etc. soon.
Here’s the scoop for next week:
Reading: Text features, re-read and re-tell; small group work
Math: Geometry/2 and 3D shapes; rectangles
Religion: Final Chapter in Reconciliation book; Sins vs. Mistakes
Social Studies: Studies Weekly #6
Science: Observe and record plant growth-Transplant pea pods/ Tree rings
Have a great Sunday! Go Chiefs....and Colts!
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