Mrs. Porter’s Newsletter
Feb. 3-7th, 2014
Calendar of Events
Wednesday, Feb.5th-All School Mass-8:30AM
Field trip to the Children’s Museum
Friday, Feb. 8th-February Book Order due
Please make sure that you keep your child’s First in Math paper in a safe place. I would like these to be returned to school at the end of the month with a parent signature.
Valentine’s Day is coming soon! We will be celebrating this holiday on Friday, Feb. 14th at 1:40. Please have your child sign and bring 20 valentines for the class. It’s easiest if they are not personalized to each student. We will be making Valentine’s bags in class to put our Valentines in. Thanks so much!
I have received one envelope of “Spring break in Indy” items for the Reverse Raffle basket. Please donate if you can! Thank you so much!
The office is also taking donations for the Ramirez family from St. Philip’s who lost two members of their family in a tragic fire.
The months of January and February are always tough to get through. It’s cold, dark, and we have to stay inside A LOT! I ask that you please review homework procedures with your child this month. I have students who are not coming to school prepared. Their homework is incomplete, or they don’t have everything that they should. Thank you to those students who continue to do a good job even during these dark days! Don’t forget to fill in those reading logs and send them back on Monday mornings!
I drew Allan Gonzalez’s name to have the chaperone parent for our field trip on Wednesday morning. If any other parent would like to meet us there, you can check with the Lilly Theatre at the Children’s Museum and see if they have extra tickets. Thank you to those parents who volunteered to go! I am going to let the students eat a snack before we leave, so if you remember to send one in that would be great. We leave at 9:45 and return at 12:30. Kids can bring a sack lunch or order a sack lunch from the cafeteria.
We had a great Catholic School’s Week culminating with a great volleyball game between the teachers and the eighth graders. What a fun way to be thankful for the opportunity to go to a school filled with faith. Thank you for the sacrifices you make to send your child(ren) to Holy Spirit!
Finally, we will be having school on President’s Day to make up for the snow/cold days we have had.
Week at a Glance:
Reading- Lexile level reading passages and check for understanding
Religion- Chapter 1 in the Yellow Communion books. Please make sure that you have paid $20 if your child has one.
Math-Unit 4-Organizing and collecting data
Science-Complete Air and Weather
Spelling-Unit 16 words
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