Mrs. Porter’s Newsletter
Feb. 17th-21st, 2013
Calendar of Events
Monday, Feb. 17th-President’s Day-School IN session
Tuesday, Feb. 18th-Mandatory PTO meeting on Cyber Bullying-6:00PM
Wednesday, Feb. 19th-8:30AM All School Mass
I’m in a little shock as I look out of my classroom windows. I didn’t realize that it was supposed to snow this much. Be safe this weekend and I’m really looking forward to the warmer weather next week.
Thank you to all of you who were able to donate to the Indy Spring Break basket for the CYO reverse raffle dinner. This will take place on Saturday, Feb. 15th.
I will be sending home a letter very soon explaining a new website that I would like to students to use. It is called and there are short tutorials on there that I want students to watch from home. I will be able to check if they have watched it and there is a short quiz on each one. The first video series will be on collecting data and making graphs.
Everybody who is receiving First Communion this year should have received a letter from the Religious Education office confirming your First Communion date. The retreat will be held on March 15th. Make sure that you have that on your calendar. One parent and the student is expected to attend this special day.
Thank you so much for sending in Valentines! I appreciate the chocolates, bracelet, and other goodies that I received on my desk. Also, thank you to everybody who came and assisted with the party that afternoon. The kids always look forward to celebrating these special days with friends.
Tuesday, Feb. 18th is the last mandatory bully parent meeting. Child care will be provided for students in K-4th grades. 5th-8th graders are encouraged to attend the meeting with parents. Ryan Mears will be speaking to us about Cyber Bullying-a very important topic in today’s modern society. The meeting starts at 6:00 PM.
Please make sure that you are helping your child prepare a speech based on the life of his/her wax museum figure. We will work on it here at school as well.
Don’t forget to check your child’s school progress on I try and add grades at least once a week.
Since we are making up school days, conferences will be help as requested. Please let me know if you are interested in setting up a conference and I will do the same.
Have a great Valentine’s weekend!
Reading-Compare/Contrast two stories/Daily 5/Story mapping
Spelling-Unit 18
Religion- Chapter 2 in yellow book-We Gather
Math- Complete Unit 4 on data and graphs
Social Studies-Maps and President’s Day compare/contrast
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